The semifinalists were announced on Friday, January 16, 2015. Now the semifinalists will complete Student Information Sheet on January 24th, a crucial input to the finalist selection process. Ifyou have any doubt about the significance of the SIS in the admissions process please read my thoughts on the importance of SIS. At this point, your test scores, grades and recommendations are beyond your control, however, what you input on the SIS is still totally within your control. This is your only somewhat open-ended opportunity, within space and other constraints, to articulate why you deserve to be a TJHSST student. While it is incumbent upon you to put your best foot forward, it is also your responsibility to be honest, accurate and effective in articulating why your academic and extracurricular achievements, to date, have uniquely preparedyo to not only enrich your own life and academics at TJ but those of others. May each deserving and well-qualified semifinalist become a finalist. Good luck.
TJ Prep Blog
Dr. Tripathi shares his experience from 28 years of TJ Prep success. During this time he has seen and adapted to many changes in the TJ admission process. Crucial requirements for success on the new TJHSST (TJ) admission policy are discussed.