TJ Prep Problems

TJ Prep practice problems  for our students and readers. The problems provide a very small sampling of what Optimal TJ Prep students work with.

A Word Problem for TJ/AOS/SSAT Prep (Medium). Target Time. 25-40 seconds.

Two circus elephants are to climb ramps as shown in the figure below. Elephant A who can walk 3/4 m/sec starts climbing his 60 meter long ramp at 8 PM. 20 seconds later elephant B starts walking up his 80 meters long ramp. How fast must elephant B walk so he can reach the platform top where the ramps meet up for a cool trunk shake?


An arithmetic Problem for TJ/Blair/AOS Prep (Medium). Target Time 30-50 seconds.

A Hybrid car requires 12000 Kilo Joules of charge. There are 2 chargers available: A fast charger which can charge 400 Joules/second (and should be used after midnight) and a slow charger which can only charge 100 Joules/second. Robert starts charging his car at 8 PM. At midnight fast charger kicks in and both chargers continue charging until the car is totally charged. At what time, Robert's car will be fully charged?

A Probability Question for TJ/AOS/Blair Prep (Easy). Target Time 25-50 seconds.

Two Magic spinners, one with letters and the other with numbers, are available as shown in the figure below. Once spun,, the pointer in each stops only at a letter or a number as appropriate. Nasim first spins I and then spins II. Please answer the following questions:

1. How many different outcomes are possible if both are spun?

2. What is the probability of getting a vowel followed by an even number?

3. What is the probability of getting a multiple of 3 followed by an A or a D?
